Taskly Organizer

Taskly: Simple Family Organizer

Taskly is a MVP for a web based family schedule organizer. I conducted user surveys, user research, competition research, and card sort to build a strong user experience. I also created a UI kit and design standards to fully flesh out the visual style of the brand.

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Shopathome.com Homepage

Shopathome had decided that their current homepage was not serving their needs anymore. The site had added new features and things needed to be rethought because of that. Surveys were added as a new way to earn cash back on site. Previously all the recommendation served to the user were done by machine learning that was outsourced. The new intent was to create offers based off of user info. This would hopefully create a better more personalized experience.

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Shopathome.com Homepage
Base Education Software

Base Education Admin

Base Education is Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Software. Base Education is a tool that teachers and administrator can to use help identify and treat students with mental health issues. Schools use health credits, alternative to suspension and expulsion, detention, group dialogues, behavioral interventions and stabilization, IEP planning, and family cohesion

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Craftsy: Cracking The Egg

I created artwork and directed photoshoots for an online cooking class. Creating assets that would be used on site and on marketing material that included email and social media

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Craftsy: Cracking The Egg